
Sydney – Manly Beach, Bondi Beach, Glebe Market

some cities you love , some cities you dislike. Sydney was for sure first choice.

very cosmopolite, nice beaches, interesting architecture, cozy hidden districts and lanes, friendly people, various markets , Sydney has it all. We stayed 3 nights in Haymarket District, also known as Chinatown.

Sydney fishmarket, where you choose your fish and they cook it for you. those fellas enjoying their 2 kg crabs, fresh from the sea. GAN BAI !!!

Sydney fishmarket
Glebe Suburb
Glebe Suburb
Old abandoned brewery right in the City Centre
most iconic building, but not that large as i was expecting it.

the famous Bondi Beach, very crowdy on a Sunday afternoon.
the “MuSEAum” , a marine exhibition which also holds a submarine.

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