
Christchurch … “urban” feelings

As most areas of Newzealand are populated only by sheeps and cows, roads are straight on for kilometers without curves, it was somehow strange to arrive at the biggest city on the Southisland, Christchurch.

At first look , we hated it. Too many cars in the roundabouts, cityscape full of new ugly buildings, freezing cold with high winds … ugly.

During drive to our accomodation we crossed the site of one mosque, where the 2019’s mosque shooting took place – full of of mourning wreaths. 51 people were killed by one guy – unbelievable.

2011 was a series of earthquakes, where in total 185 people were killed by collapsed buildings – this city attracts bad luck, as it seems.

the casino of Christchurch.
lapse of taste in cities architecture
unfortunately the cathedral was also hit by the earthquake.

After our first night of 2 , weather situation got better. On second look, the city had its charme. The Christchurch Art Gallery was a must-go.

To sum up: When not going to Christchurch, you are not missing a lot. It’s a city, with all the good (more variety, better internet, entertainment) and bad (traffic, more stressful) aspects of it.

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