
Nearby Te Anau Lake

Due to our visit to Milford Sound, which was top priority on our bucket list, we decided to stay in Te Anau at the Arran Motel. The city is the gateway to the Fiordland and lies itself on the lake of the same name. It’s mostly farmers living there but i guess nowadays most of the people live on tourism.

Most of them come from China, which explains the majority of chinese restaurants there and specialised hotels for them.

There’s an endangered bird species living in forests there, the Takahe. As it is a flightless bird, it relies on to nests on the ground, which makes the eggs easy prey for predators. The other bird is a Parakeet, in Maori “Kākāriki”

Tuatapere is a small town of ~600 people, but it’s New Zealand’s sausage capital. The local butcher there produced 1 ton of sausages per week and distributed all over Southland. The butcher’s successor will get the secret recipe for free, when he buys the butchery.

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