
Beach life and Outback life in Western Australia

Here’s some pics of the trips we’ve done nearby our stay in Jurien Bay.

Green Head Beach: nice beach with crystal clear water. some sea-life underneath. There’s also showers and bathroom available near the parking lot.

Green Head beach

I wanted to go to a place called North Point, only accessible via sand roads. While going there, we discovered some piles of stones, built by passing people over the years. At that moment a herd of cangaroos crossed the street. I went out of the car, did some pics, went into car again, just to find a small spider climbing up my shorts … Aaaargh !!!. Out from the car again, getting out of my pants and my underpants… Being naked in the desolate outback, next settlement 50km away, i examined my private parts, just at that time, a car passed by . I wonder what the driver thought at that moment.

in the back there’s a dry lake.

We did a trip to the “The pinnacles”, a national park full of limesand formations, some of them 3,5 m high. You just observe the park by car, walking would be too harsh because of temperature.

It is still not known what caused the forming of pinnacles.

the Pinnacles

Included in our ticket (15 AUD per car) was the entrance fee to Lesueur National park, a little bit further northwards from Jurien Bay, where our hotel was.

As it was near dawn we arrived at Lesueur NP, we were the only car driving the 18km loop road of the park. While driving slowly and as silent as possible, we encountered lots of kangaroos, wallabies and some ostrich (whoa, they are quick).

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